Silego是一家获利型公司,由包括US Venture Partners、Weston Presidio和Storm Ventures在内的Tier 1创投机构于2001年创建。Silego专注于针对笔记本电脑、Netbook及桌面计算机市场的时钟解决方案及其他组件。Silego总部位于加州圣塔克莱拉,在韩国和台湾设有分支机构。Silego提供针对计算、通信、消费者和DDR2 & DDR3 DIMM市场的全系列计时产品。
2017年10月10日,高度集成电源管理、AC/DC电源转换、充电和低功耗连接技术供应商Dialog半导体公司宣布,已签订了确定性协议以2.76亿美元现金和最高3,040万美元的有条件金额,收购私有的领先可配置混合信号(CMIC)供应商Silego Technology。
Silego Technology, Inc. is a fabless semiconductor company. Silego designs and sells highly configurable power, logic, and timing mixed signal IC products referred to as CMICs (Configurable Mixed-signal IC Products). The CMIC products integrate medium precision analog components, discrete digital logic, and passive components into highly configurable small, easy to use, low cost ICs. CMIC products provide customers the benefits of reduced system parts count, lower power consumption, less board space and reduced BOM costs. CMICs provide the flexibility of an FPGA and have similar pricing to ASICs without nonrecurring engineering costs, and long design cycles.
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